Our ministry is designed to give clear, Biblical guidance to you and your family in a warm family-style environment.
The church is not just a place for whole and healthy people to attend. When you are hurting and in need, the church is the community where you can find help. Whether you need immediate treatment or long-term care, God has designed the church to minister to your needs. When it comes to the souls of mankind, there are no professional surgeons; there are only caring Christians.
And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.”
Compassion Night
When: Friday, September 6
Time: Doors open @ 5PM, Starts @ 6PM
Where: @ The Church
Join us as we serve the homeless and hurting. We need volunteers to simply sit and speak with those from our homeless community or serve where needed. Come and share the love of Christ. This is a wonderful opportunity to “Serve Others via The Gospel”
Maguire State Mission Offering
When: Month of September
During the month of September, would you consider joining thousands of Florida Baptists in prayer emphasis and giving to support vital church planting efforts?
100% of all dollars received through the MSMO will be utilized for church planting in Florida. With your faithful giving and through your prayers, we can do More For The Kingdom.
Anchor Academy Food Distribution
When: Thursday, September 12 @ 2:30PM
Where: Anchor Academy
Join us as we impact the community by coming along side and assisting Anchor Academy as they distribute needed food items to the community. We participate 2 Thursday’s each month. We hope to see you there.
Men’s Breakfast
When: Saturday, September 14 @ 9:00AM
Where: IHOP @ Beach & Hodges [Directions]
Men come out and join us for this wonderful time of food, fellowship, and fun. Our men’s meetup is not just for members. It is a great way to meet new people and is always a good time. We look forward to seeing you there!